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Saturday, August 14, 2021

When were some of the popular technology companies founded? Here is a list of some IT companies

Please don’t think that there are already so many Tech companies already in existance, and there is nothing to be done now! Most companies we know in 2021 are less than 20 years old !!! 

This is a short list below: 

Between 40 and 50 years old
1975: Microsoft 
1976: Apple 

Between 20 and 30 years old
1994: Yahoo 
1994: Amazon 
1997: Netflix 
1998: Google 
1999: Alibaba 
2000: eHarmony 

Between 10 and 20 years old
2002: LinkedIn 
2004: Facebook 
2005: YouTube 
2005: Reddit 
2006: Twitter 
2006: Shopify 
2009: WhatsApp 
2010: Pinterest 

Less than 10 years old
2011: SnapChat 
2012: Tinder 
2017: TikTok 

So you see, there is still hope! 

There is still a lot to be done, yet. Roll up your sleeves. Get into the Technology field and game. Do good for the world and yourself. 


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