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FORMAT For Fall 2021, the focus is mainly on Python, C++, and Digital Hardware There are videos here from other sources / creators There are...

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

BS Computer Science - More courses / subjects explored from other places


  1. Calculus 1
  2. Calculus 2
  3. Introduction to object oriented programming
  4. Computer organization and assembly language
  5. Objects and data abstraction
  6. Data structures and algorithms
  7. Algorithm design and analysis
  8. Programming languages
  9. Scripting languages
  10. Operating systems and networking
  11. Net centric computing
  12. Computer architecture
  13. Database systems - use, design and implementation
  14. Concurrency and distributed systems
  15. Software development and systems programming
  16. Software development and professional practice 
  17. Discrete structures 1
  18. Discrete structures 2


  1. Linear algebra
  2. Probability
  3. Introduction to proofs
  4. Calculus 3
  5. Differential equaltions 1
  6. Differential equaltions 2
  7. Modern algebra with cryptography
  8. Complex variables 1
  9. Advanced calculus
  10. Statistics
  11. Introduction to numerical analysis


  1. Object Oriented Software Development
  2. Approach to internet and computer networks security
  3. Introduction to enterprise systems
  4. Enterprise systems application development
  5. Enterprise systems assembler programming
  6. Enterprise systems - advanced topics
Various tracks:
  • Software Engineering track
  • Enterprise Systems track
  • Mechanical Engineering track

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Why Blogging and / or Vlogging is / are useful...

Blogging and Vlogging are very useful, especially for active students, or lifelong students of learning for the following reasons, and the list is not exhaustive:

  1. It keeps you on track - since you maintain and update the blogs / vlogs, you are always thinking about the topics that are relevant, you are doing research and in the process, learning more
  2. It keeps you motivated
  3. It keeps you engaged
  4. It makes you happy
  5. It teaches you something new every day
  6. It helps you showcase your work
  7. It teaches you creativity
  8. It helps you practice web designing skills
  9. You become a better student
  10. It helps you get better grades
  11. It can help you find a good job
  12. It can help you get established as an expert in a field
  13. It can enable and empower you to help others who wish to enter the field
  14. It can enable you to connect and network with people with similar interests

and so on...



Why this blog? What's it about? What's the format?


  • For Fall 2021, the focus is mainly on Python, C++, and Digital Hardware
  • There are videos here from other sources / creators
  • There are some videos by me
  • There are some posts by me
  • There are posts with information from other sources / creators
  • I have not plagiarized any content, and have always given credit to content of others
  • The content here is relevant to what I am studying in Computer Science
  • There is more attention to content and less attention to aesthetics since learning, teaching and sharing of relevant information is the key goal of this blog
  • There may be repeat content and a flood of content based on similar topics at a time, and that is okay - the purpose is to pick and choose relevant information only for your learning
  • If you follow the contents of this blog in time sequence, from start to end, it will give you a good sense of what I experienced during my student life as a BS in CS student in the US


"BSCSUS" in the dot com name stands for "BS in CS in US", which in turn stands for Bachelor-of-Science in Computer-Science in the United-States! The web page URL for where it is hosted is http://www.BSCSUS.Blogspot.Com

This blog is about my journey as a student pursuing Bachelor-of-Science degree in Computer-Science - Software-Engineering and Cyber-Security (I am doing a double major) in the United-States, from Aug. 2021 to Jul. 2024 (I will pursue the accelerated option, by taking extra courses and credits each semester, while taking classes and courses in the Summer semester as well, instead of taking vacations or breaks). This whole blog was conceptualized and started by me on 23 July 2021. 

I have video blogs on my YouTube channel, with the channel name "BSCSUS". All my Vlogs (Video blogs) are similar to my Blogs (Web logs) - they are all about my experiences as a student of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in the United States.  

Hope this blog and vlog is useful for potential / prospective students who wish to study Computer Science in the US, either Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electronics, Communications and Computers, and so on! 



Additional knowledge that I would love to gain within the next 4 years !

I have decent knowledge of business management already - you know, standard subjects: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Economics, Strategy, Operations Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, and so on. 

However, I wish to learn some more subject matters / fields in more depth:

  • Math
  • Statistics
  • Business / Corporate Law 
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Aeronautics and Space Engineering
Learning is never ending, but I am so hungry for knowledge !!! 

Concentration Options

Here are some of the concentration options: 

  1. Standard basic knowledge and preparation for Graduate School
  2. Software Development / Engineering
  3. Computer Security
  4. Database Design / Administration 
  5. System Administration and Web Programmer

I wish I could study ALL courses and get knowledge of ALL concentrations !!! I am so eager and so excited to learn Computer Science! I am so dedicated and so excited about learning right now !!! 

BS Computer Science - List of subjects / courses

Core Courses:

  1. Computer Science 1
  2. Computer Science 2
  3. Algorithms and Data Structures 1
  4. Computer and Digital Hardware 1
  5. Social Implications
  6. Thoeretical Computer Science
  7. Computer Networks 1
  8. Database Management 1
  9. Systems Programming
  10. Computer Organization
  11. Compiler and Interpreter Construction
  12. Capstone Project
  13. Algorithms and Data Structures 2
  14. Windows Programming
  15. Software Engineering and Testing
  16. Operating Systems

Math Courses:

  1. Calculus 1
  2. Calculus 2
  3. Discrete Mathematics 1
  4. Elementary Statistics
  5. Linear Algebra
  6. Applied Calculus

Optional Courses:

  1. Web and Internet Programming
  2. UNIX Environment
  3. Robotics
  4. Data Communications and Computer Security
  5. Database Management 2
  6. Internship
  7. Computer and Network Security
  8. Visual Basic and VBA

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Friday, July 23, 2021

Sent documents for transcript evaluation - again !

Different universities require different set of companies to get transcript evaluation if you did your bachelor's degree from abroad. I had got the evaluation done from one company for one university. Now another university wants evaluation from another companty as they will not accept the first evaluation. 

Just got back from FedEx after having mailed all my original marks sheets and degree certificates to the evaluation company. 

Fingers crossed. Waiting for the evaluation work to be complete so that the university will receive it and get me a letter of acceptance! 

Knowledge Check - 1 month before program start

One month before the start of the program, I have not much knowledge of Computer Science at all. I do have knowledge of some other fields, but not computers, which is the very reason I decided to pursue this education. To be honest, life is a little busy right now, and I am not even making any advance preparation in anticipation for the start of classes

My YouTube Channel

Link to my YouTube channel regarding my journey of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in United States is below: 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1jwTgr2G80FUtUS6HYKSw 

Name of the YouTube channel: "BSCSUS"

First post - Awaiting Acceptance Letter

I had applied to 4 universities in the US for Computer Science / Information Technology related programs for Spring 2022 or Fall 2021. 

The status so far is as follows: 

  1. BS in CS - Spring (Jan.) 2022 - Got acceptance letter - However, this one is more expensive, and I am not sure of going there yet
  2. BS in CS - Fall (August) 2021 - Waiting for acceptance letter. Most of the paperwork is complete, and some work is remaining (which I am trying to complete ASAP) - This is number 1 on my preference list, and this one is also the most affordable for my budget 
  3. MS in IT - Fall 2021 - Some paperwork pending. I am not sure I want to study here, as I think I prefer a traditional 4 year program, not a 2 year program
  4. AAS in IT - Spring 2022 - Still working on completing paperwork. This one is the most affordable, however, it is a 2 year program, not a 4 year one 

