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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sub-Topics of the main topics in Linux+

Preparing your environment
  • Setting up a learning space
  • Exploring Linux distributions
  • Locating a terminal
Sifting through services
  • What is a Linux server?
  • Serving the basics
  • Serving local networks
  • Implementing security
  • Improving performance
Managing files, directories, text
  • Handling files and directories
  • Linking --- " ---
  • Reading files
  • Finding information
Searching and analyzing text 
  • Processing text files
  • Redirecting input and output
  • Editing text files
Explaining the boot process
  • The Linux boot process
  • The firmware startup
  • Linux bootloaders
  • System recovery
Maintaining system startup and services
  • Looking at init
  • Managing systemd systems
  • Managing SysV init systems
  • Digging deeper into systemd
Configuring network connections
  • Configuring network features
  • Basic network troubleshooting
  • Advanced network troubleshooting
Comparing GUIs
  • Focusing on the GUI
  • Serving up the GUI
  • Using remote desktops
  • Forwarding
Adjusting localization options
  • Understanding localization
  • Setting your locale
  • Looking at time
Administering users and groups
  • Managing user accounts
  • Managing groups
  • Setting up the environment
  • Querying users
  • Managing disk space usage
Handling storage
  • Storage basics
  • Partitioning tools
  • Understanding filesystems
  • Formatting filesystems
  • Mounting filesystems
  • Managing filesystems
  • Storage alternatives
Protecting files
  • Understanding backup types
  • Looking at compression methods
  • Comparing archive and restore utilities
  • Securing offsite / off-system backups
  • Checking backup integrity
Governing software
  • Working with source code
  • Packaging applications
Tending kernel modules
  • Exploring kernel modules
  • Installing --- " ---
  • Removing --- " --- 
Applying ownership and permissions
  • Looking at file and directory permissions
  • Access control lists
  • Context based permissions
  • Understanding Linux user types
  • Restricting users
Looking at access and authentication methods
  • Getting to know PAM
  • Exploring PKI concepts
  • Using SSH
  • Using VPN as a client
Implementing logging services
  • Understanding the importance of logging
  • Basic logging using rsyslog
  • Journaling with systemd-journald
Overseeing Linux firewalls
  • Providing access control
  • Looking at firewall technologies 
  • Forwarding IP packets
  • Dynamically setting rules
Embracing best security practices
  • User security
  • System security
  • Network security
Analyzing system properties and remediation
  • Troubleshooting the network
  • Troubleshooting storage issues
  • Troubleshooting the CPU
  • Troubleshooting memory
  • Surviving a lost root password
Optimizing performance 
  • Looking at processes
  • Monitoring processes in real time
  • Managing processes
Investigating user issues
  • Troubleshooting access
  • Examining file obstacles
  • Exploring environment and shell issues
Dealing with Linux devices
  • Communicating with Linux devices
  • Working with devices
  • Using hot pluggable devices
Troubleshooting application and hardware issues 
  • Dealing with storage problems
  • Uncovering application permission issues
  • Analyzing application dependencies
  • Looking at SELinux context violations
  • Exploring firewall blockages
  • Troubleshooting additional hardware issues
Deploying bash scripts
  • Basics of Shell scripting
  • Advanced shell scripting
  • Writing script programs
Automating jobs
  • Running scripts in background mode
  • Running scripts without a console
  • Sending signals
  • Job control
  • Running like clockwork
Controlling versions Git
  • Understanding version control
  • Setting up Git environment
  • Committing with Git
  • Merging versions
Understanding cloud and virtualization concepts
  • Considering cloud services
  • Understanding virtualization
  • Exploring containers 
Inspecting cloud and virtualization services
  • Focusing on VM tools
  • Understanding bootstrapping
  • Exploring storage issues
  • Considering network configurations
Orchestrating the environment
  • Understanding orchestration concepts
  • Provisioning the data center
  • Looking at container orchestration engines

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