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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Python Programming Language Notes

(Only scant, random, scattered main topics here. Not detailed or comprehensive)

ABOUT Python Code:

  • Versatile - Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Supports Object-Oriented and Structured programming 
  • High level - Uses natural language to present abstract programming functions
  • Dynamically typed - Variable types change, based on the data they hold rather than being declared statically on creation
  • Multiple libraries - Open source, easily accessible, many modules containing predefined definitions for easy functionality
  • Incompatibility - 3.x incompatible with 2.x code
  • Importing modules - import x, import x as y, from x import functional1, from x import *, dir(x)
  • Scope - indentation
  • Global scope - accessible by whole program, will persist until program runs
  • Meaningful indentation - indentation deleanates change in scope (more indentated to left means narrower), each segment of indentation is equal to 4 spaces (don't use tabs) 
NAMING Conventions:
  • Uppercase vs. lowercase - Class names are uppercase, all others are lowercase
  • Leading underscores - Underscore before name is privatization. Function names that begin with 1 will not be imported when using the "from x import*" statement 
  • Trailing underscores - Single underscore after name is used to avoid naming conflicts. A double underscore after a name is used in conjuction with a double underscore before a name to indicate name with a special function 
  • Reserved keywords - Some words have special function, and can not be used to name variables, functions or classes (examples: and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, exec, False, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, None, nonlocal, not, or, pass, print, raise, return, True, try, while, with, yield)
  • Comments - explain in plain language
  • Triple quotation marks - docstring to explain purpose
  • Pound sign - Comments using # sign when describing how, why, what of code
WRITING Code Basics:
  • Making variables - Declaration and assignment, assigning variables
  • Types - Integer, Floating point (float), Complex, String, List, Tuple, Boolean (bool), Dictionary (Dict), Changing types 
  • Console - Outputting text, taking user input
  • Error handling - try, except, else, finally, raise
  • Saving and loading files - open(filename, mode), file.read(size), file.readline(), file.write(), file.close()
  • List operations - List, tuple, & dict
  • Math operators - (int, float & complex)
  • Strings - test values without any meaning (mathematical or logical)
  • Statements - commands that initiate operation. Boolean, For, While, 
  • Functions - used to break down operations into smaller, reusable chunks
  • Dictionaries - special list types that contain key value pairs. 2 dimensional arrays with unique identifier keys attached to values
USING Structures:
  • String formatting - Using, Returns, Other formatting options
  • String methods - Slicing, reversing, splitting, joining, enumerating
  • Escape sequences - newline, printing special characters literally
  • Bool characters - used to perform operations related to true and false statements
  • Writing Boolean statements - Alternate if-else, Nesting if
  • Recursion & iteration - Recursion, Iteration, Break, Continue, 
  • Classes - Creating, filling
  • Inheritance - Process by which objects gain properties of other objects. Classes, for example. 1st - Parent class. 2nd - Child class. Children can overwrite the inherited properties of their parent, changing functionality. Overriding. Inheritance from multiple parents. 

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