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Friday, September 24, 2021

Sample Python Program on Spyder IDE. Made by me today !

Today, it has been just 1 month since I started the program, BS in CS in the US on 23 August, 2021. And it has been just 2 months since I decided to enroll into the program on 23 July, 2021 and started this blog. Below is a sample python program after just 1 month of starting the program ! This was written by me after referring to an example on the internet at this link

No, I am not yet able to write code on my own, from memory. Yes, I do have to look at examples and look up commands on the internet or from the text book. No, I am not perfect yet. 

HOWEVER, I am now able to get some work done! I am able to solve problems and create solutions using software now! Since I have the basic knowledge and basic tools now, I can build on that to achieve better and higher results! 

Right now, I am only doing Python and C++ as well as NI Multisim circuit drawings. However, I am happy that my work is relatively clean and bug free for now! 



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