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Friday, September 10, 2021

Sub-Topics of the main topics in C++ programming

(From the same book. Only main topics listed here)

An introduction to C++ programming

  • Overview of programming and C++
  • Quick look at C++ development
  • Use Visual Studio for Windows development
  • Use Xcode for macOS development

How to write your first programs

  • Basic coding skills
  • Work with numeric variables
  • Use the console for input and output 
  • Work with standard library
  • Work with char and string variables
  • Test and debug a program

How to make decisions

  • Get started with "if" statements
  • More skills for coding "if" statements
  • Other ways to make decisions

How to code loops

  • More skills for coding arithmetic expressions
  • How to code "while" and "do-while" loops
  • How to code for loops and nested loops
  • How to code break and continue statements

How to work with I/O streams and files

  • How to work with input streams
  • How to work with output streams
  • How to work with file streams
  • How to work with string streams

How to work with data types, strings, and vectors

  • Basic skills for working with data types
  • More skills for working with data types
  • How to work with vectors
  • How to work with strings

How to code functions

  • How to start coding your own functions
  • How to plan the functions of a program
  • More skills for coding functions
  • How to work with header files and namespaces

How to test, debug, and deploy a program

  • Basic skills for testing and debugging
  • How to use Visual Studio to debug a program
  • How to use Xcode to debug a program
  • How to deploy and run a program

How to work with structures and enumerations

  • Basic skills for working with structures
  • More skills for working with structures
  • How to work with enumerations

How to work with STL containers and iterators

  • Introduction to STL containers and iterators
  • More skills for working with vectors
  • Arrays
  • Lists
  • Queues and stacks
  • Sets 
  • Maps
  • Nested containers

How to work with STL algorithms

  • Introduction to STL algorithms
  • Basic skills for working with algorithms
  • More skills --- " ---
  • More skills for passing functions to algorithms

How to work with built-in arrays and C strings

  • Basic skills for built-in arrays
  • How to work with C-strings
  • Advanced skills for built-in arrays

How to work with exceptions

  • How to get started with exceptions
  • More skills for working with exceptions

How to define classes

  • An introduction to Object-Oriented programming
  • More skills for coding member functions
  • How to store a class in header and source files
  • How to work with UML diagrams
  • How to work with object composition
  • The Pig Dice game

How to work with inheritance

  • How to get started with inheritance
  • More skills for networking with inheritance
  • How to work with multiple inheritance
  • When to use inheritance

More skills for object-oriented programming

  • How to work with static members
  • How to work with friend function
  • How to overload operators

How to work with memory and pointers

  • An introduction to pointers and memory
  • How to use pointers with functions
  • How to use pointers to work with dynamic memory
  • How to avoid memory leaks and memory corruption
  • More skills for working with pointers

How to work with templates

  • How to work with function templates
  • How to work with class templates

How to code custom containers, iterators, and algorithms

  • How to code a custom container
  • How to code a custom iterator
  • How to code a custom algorithm

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