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Friday, September 10, 2021

Sub-Topics of the main topics in Digital and Hardware Technology

(From same book. Only main topics listed here)

Major Topics and Sub-Topics:

Introductory Concepts

  1. Digital and analog quantities
  2. Binary digits, logic levels, and digital waveforms
  3. Basic logic functions
  4. Combinational and sequential logic functions
  5. Programmable logic
  6. Fixed-function logic devices
  7. Test and measurement instruments
  8. Introduction to troubleshooting

Number Systems, Operations, and Codes

  1. Decimal numbers
  2. Binary numbers
  3. Decimal to binary conversion
  4. Binary arithmetic 
  5. Complements of binary numbers
  6. Signed numbers
  7. Arithmetic operations and signed numbers
  8. Hexadecimal numbers
  9. Octal numbers 
  10. BCD - Binary coded decimal
  11. Digital codes 
  12. Error codes 

Logic Gates 

  1. Inverter
  2. AND gate
  3. OR gate
  4. NAND (Not-And) gate
  5. NOR (Not-Or?) gate
  6. Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR gates
  7. Programmable logic
  8. Fixed-Function logic gates 
  9. Troubleshooting

Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification 

  1. Boolean Operations and expressions
  2. Laws and rules of Boolean algebra
  3. DeMorgan's theorems
  4. Boolean analysis of logic circuits
  5. Logic simplification using Boolean algebra
  6. Standard forms of Boolean aglebra
  7. Boolean expressions of truth tables 
  8. Karnaugh map
  9. Karnaugh map SOP minimization
  10. Karnaugh map POS minimization
  11. Quine-McCluskey method
  12. Boolean expressions with VHDL 

Combinational Logic Analysis

  1. Basic combinational logic circuits
  2. Implementing combinational logic
  3. Universal property of NAND and NOR gates 
  4. Combinational logic using NAND and NOR gates 
  5. Pulse waveform operation
  6. Combinational logic with VHDL
  7. Troubleshooting

Functions of Combinational Logic 

  1. Half and full adders
  2. Parallel binary adders
  3. Ripple carry and look-ahead carry adders
  4. Comparators 
  5. Decoders
  6. Encoders 
  7. Code converters
  8. Multiplexers (data selectors)
  9. Demultiplexers
  10. Parity generators / checkers
  11. Troubleshooting

Latches, Flip-Flops and Timers

  1. Latches
  2. Flip-flops 
  3. Flip-flop operating characters
  4. Flip-flop applications
  5. One-shots
  6. Astable multivibrator
  7. Troubleshooting

Shift Registers

  1. Shift register operations
  2. Types of shift register data I/Os
  3. Bidirectional shift registers 
  4. Shift register counters
  5. Shift register applications 
  6. Logic symbols with dependency notation
  7. Troubleshooting


  1. Finite state machines 
  2. Asynchronous counters
  3. Synchronous counters
  4. Up/down synchronous counters
  5. Design of synchronous counters
  6. Cascaded counters 
  7. Counter decoding 
  8. Counter applications
  9. Logic symbols with dependency notation
  10. Troubleshooting

Programmable Logic 

  1. SPLDs - Simple programmable logic devices
  2. CPLDs - Complex programmble logic devices
  3. Macrocell modes
  4. FPGAs - Field-programmable gate arrays
  5. Programmable logic software
  6. Boundary scan logic
  7. Troubleshooting

Data Storage 

  1. Semiconductor memory basics
  2. RAM - Random-Access Memory
  3. ROM - Read Only Memory
  4. Programmable ROMs
  5. Flash memory
  6. Memory expansion
  7. Special types of memories
  8. Magnetic and optical storage
  9. Memory hierarchy 
  10. Cloud storage 
  11. Troubleshooting

Signal Conversion and Processing 

  1. Analog-to-digital conversion
  2. Methods of analog-to-digital conversion
  3. Methods of digital-to-analog conversion
  4. Digital signal processing
  5. DSP - Digital Signal Processor 

Data Transmission

  1. Data transmission media 
  2. Methods and modes of data transmission
  3. Modulation of analog signals with digital data 
  4. Modulation of digital signals with analog data 
  5. Multiplexing and demultiplexing
  6. Bus basics 
  7. Parallel buses 
  8. USB - Universal Serial Bus
  9. Other Serial Buses
  10. Bus interfacing

Data Processing and Control 

  1. The computer system
  2. Practical computer system considerations
  3. Processor - basic operation
  4. Processor - addressing modes
  5. Processor - special operations
  6. Operating systems and hardware
  7. Programming
  8. Microcontrollers and embedded systems 
  9. SoC - System on Chip

Integrated Circuit Technologies 

  1. Basic operational characteristics and parameters
  2. CMOS circuits 
  3. TTL (bipolar) circuits 
  4. Practical considerations in the use of TTL
  5. Comparison of CMOS and TTL performance 
  6. ECL (Emitter-Coupled Logic) circuits
  7. PMOS, NMOS, and E2CMOS

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